View Full Version : The Gamer's Hide Out

  1. My PS3 Took a giant one on me
  2. Which system/systems do you have?
  3. Games worth keeping
  4. Whats your resent game purchase and what do you have reserved?
  5. Red Faction Armageddon-Your thoughts
  6. Microsoft Xbox 360 320GB Gears of War 3
  7. Starhawk--this game looks interesting
  8. Duke Nukem
  9. Battlefield 3
  10. Ohh Boy!
  11. 360 COD: Black Ops
  12. Is this a good deal
  13. Gamer Tags
  14. SDCC stuff
  15. Anybody see this--Uncharted 2 Hunter Edition
  16. I cant frickin wait!!!
  17. Mw3
  18. Wireless & PS3
  19. Starhawk on PS3-Lets start a Clan