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Old 11-12-2012, 09:42 PM   #9
Viper Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by FL06SRT10 View Post
That's because Onk decided to censor this thread as well as sensor everyone's voting opinion by deleting one of the entries lol... I hope everyone realizes the censoring that goes on here.. Sadly this post will probably be deleted like others and I will probably be banned again for speaking my mind and the truth. There are some good guys here that I like and there are some who don't like differing opinions.
I deleted one of the entries because the participant (You) ended up getting your self banned temporarily. You actions and comments are extremely childish and sarcastic and uncalled for. You have a problem with me, that's fine, but you need to leave it off of the forum. I am warning you one last time, (This time publicly) that if you pick a fight with me or any of the other members here, because they have a different opinion than you, or if you are downright disrespectful you will be banned permanently.

There is no "censoring" that goes on here. Once again, you didn't get banned for speaking your mind or your definition of the truth. I delete stupid disrespectful shit that has no business on this forum. You wanna cause drama, go join another forum. You have seemed to be a little disgruntled ever since the BBQ didn't pan out. Sorry bud but tough noogies. Sometime things don't work out the way you want them to. No need to act like a child and start being a bully. And about that whole BBQ thing, You didn't converse with any of the STAFF here before you set that whole thing in motion. Official club functions we like to be organized a certain way. We encourage your enthusiasm and wanting to get something like that put together, but you went about it the total wrong way.

You always need to have the last word and you seem like you have no respect when it comes to the other members or myself.

SEM is a DRAMA FREE place and we like to keep it that way. If I (or any of the staff) delete a post or clean up a thread, you don't need to concern yourself with wondering why we did it. We did it because we felt the need to. To keep things on track...I don't appreciate you spreading rumors here on the forum and on Facebook that there is "Censoring going on".

Once again, to sum up what I just said above. If you have a problem with me, you are going to need to figure out a way to get over it and keep the disrespect and childish comments in check. You need to respect other members as well. There is a difference between "Constructive Criticism" and "Being a dick". If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you don't agree with something someone did to their vehicle, remember, its not your vehicle, your money or your time. No one here has ever bashed a mod you have completed on your truck therefor they would appreciate you not bashing theirs.

Questions? You have my email address, you have a PM box on here, and you are also on my Facebook. Please feel free to contact me directly.


SEM - Club Vice President
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