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Old 10-07-2012, 05:28 PM   #10
Viper Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Name: Lee
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August 2012 - While leaving the July Cianfrocca Detail CnC, I tried to runover Adam/SmokedRam but his truck got in the way...stay outta my way dude!!! LOL While she was in the shop, it was as good a time as any to get rid of the chrome on the front end. So out with the chrome grille and partially chrome bumper and in with the new. Many thanks to Tim Urban at Alternative Koncepts for his excellent work and promptness in repairing my and Adam's trucks.

And while things were being painted, I decided to have my door spears color-matched too. We attempted to remove them but the paint was bubbled underneath, like everyone said they would be, so we just restuck the one we partially pulled off and painted.

Here's a collage to show before and after of spears and front end:

Also, while Adam's truck was being repaired at the same place, I decided to have his grille shell color-matched as a surprise and a "I'm sorry BigGirl tried to hump SmokedRam" gift...I really felt bad that I hit his truck and inconvenienced his time involved dropping off and picking up his truck and such. I think he liked it!
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