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View Full Version : Protect venom

Tampa Wax Slingers
07-25-2012, 07:58 PM
Let me introduce our new product for the interior of your vehicles. We give this product 2 thumbs up. We have also noticed it does not attract dust half as much as the leading products out there.

Protect Rubber, Plastic & Vinyl
PROTECT VENOM is a concentrated premium cleaner and water based dressing. Protect Venom is formulated to prevent drying and cracking. Protect Venom does not use harsh cleaners or dryers leaving a clean finish and long lasting protection.

$11.95 - 16oz
$29.95 - 64oz


Apply Protect Venom to a towel or brush work into the surface. Allow product to penetrate for 1-3 minutes. Wipe excess with a clean cloth. To reduce sheen Protect Venom may be diluted up to 30 percent with water. Precaution: do not use on vehicle controls or motorcycle seats.