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View Full Version : the Super Duper Plasi Dip Thread

02-27-2012, 07:47 PM
What is PlastiDip
Plasti Dip is a multi-purpose, air dry, specialty rubber coating. It can be easily applied by dipping, brushing, or spraying. Plasti Dip protective coating is ideal for a broad array of do-it-yourself projects around the home, garage, garden, and elsewhere. It protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, and skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. Plasti Dip remains flexible and stretchy over time, and will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions. It has been tested and proven in temperatures from -30°F to 200°F.

For legal purposes (and because i'm a badass) here is the MSDS sheet

Why Do I Want To Use It?
It's Black
You can paint over it
You can remove it without damaging whats underneath
PlastiDip actually knows of and is now marketing PD for use on cars and trucks

But What If I Don't Want Black? (Colors)
Well than, GTFO.
No, but really, you have several colors you can choose from.
Well what if you don't want a custom color or say a different finish?
Plastidip offers a diy custom color kit on their website, where you mix the colors yourself and then have to use a spray gun to paint it. now in order to save money or do a reproducible color you could buy their bulk clear and take it down to your local auto paint supplier and have them mix you up a color. To spray the bulk you can head on over to the local arts and crafts and get the model paint kit aerosol can thingy and spray it that way.

PD offers 4 finishes
Clear (Flat)
Glossy Clear
Metalizer (Bronze)
Metalizer (Silver)

Now what kinda guy would i be if i didnt tell you what a few different options you have here.
Lacquer Clear - makes the PD look like a matte finish
Primer - you can use PD as a primer to put paint over it and have custom color w/o ruining the finish underneath (perfect for lease vehicles)

How Well Does It Last?
It lasts very well, I personally have been using it for several years now over two different vehicles.
On my truck i never had any problems with it except human error when someone hit it.
the car is a different story, since it's lower to the ground and probably because the coats aren't as thick it is prone to rock chips, which I will go over later in the thread.

It handles heat very well up to 200* according to plastdip but i ran it on my catback with no problems. But please take that with a grain of salt. Just because on person can run over the recommended temp doesn't mean you may be able to.

As long as you wash your car you'll be fine.
Love bugs will make your finish more prone to chips (just like your paint) if not properly taken care of.

Okay I'm Sold, What Do I Need
Green Automotive Masking Tape
Razor Blades

prtactice on something like a soda can. this stuff sprays alot heavier than spray paint. also practice with tape. the hard part is the tape is pourous and sticks better than glossy clear coat. so you'll need to use a razor blade and cut the edge of the tape.

So lets get started. PD is versatile enough that you can just spray it as is and it will last, But you may have it end up looking like poo. So I highly suggest you wash and claybar.

Seriously it's tape

Lets Spray
The first coat you'll want to do a light mist, especially, if your working on chrome or polished aluminum. The next coast you'll want to go medium heavy for 2 or 3 coats. You'll want to make it thick so it's easily removed.

Removing The Tape
Dry time to remove the tape: I usually wait anywhere between an hour and four depending on the sun and outside temp. This stuff dries fast but you want it to cure.
I usually trim the edges once and fix as i peel the tape towards me. If you have a flappy edge just press it down and trim it straight w/ the razor blade. Keep in mind unless you have steady hands and can draw an almost perfect line you may want to use a ruler.

Cure Time
If you do wheels you want it to cure 10 - 24 hours, paint 12 to 24.
This stuff gets harder the longer it is applied (it was designed for tools) but you can still peel it up anytime you'd like.

I'm Tired Of It How Do I Peel If Off
There are several ways of doing so, first is by hand and the seoond is by pressure washing.

By Hand, again if you used nice thick coast then by hand will be easiest as you can peel it very fast. You'll want to start and rub an edge till it begins to curl and then slowly pull at it. Then simply continue to peel it off and you'll be done in no time.

Pressure washing, you'll want to be careful not to ruin the finish below, so use this technique at your own discretion

Member Pics
One pic per member per part please

screw this i'm making a super plastidip thread

02-27-2012, 11:25 PM
Refer to my sig :D

I love plastidip! Its some awesome stuff!

02-28-2012, 03:49 AM
I really gotta order some plastidip to do the badges and the wheels

02-28-2012, 11:10 AM
Best stuff EVER!! I spray it on everything lol

I really gotta order some plastidip to do the badges and the wheels

Home Depot and Lowes carry the spray cans for about $6 and they also carry the qt container.

via DroidX (Tapatalk)

02-29-2012, 08:37 PM
I just got rid of the plasti-dip on my wheels - Wasn't the easiest thing to get off, but a little PB Blaster helped where it wouldn't peel. I do still have some on my rear Ram's head emblem.

03-05-2012, 01:30 AM
^^^ it was most likely too thin. if it's not thick enough it will not come up unless you go for drastic measures

03-05-2012, 01:39 AM
Hey Alex, you still got the pics from when you PD'd your entire truck and then peeled off sections???

03-05-2012, 01:39 AM
Wow Alex, just wow.