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View Full Version : Woo Hoo; A PRODUCTIVE DAY!!!

12-08-2011, 03:27 PM
Yesterday, between the rain, I installed the BT Catch can on BLUE.

Well today, cool 55 degrees, but nice enough to install the BT Catch Cans on Tee's two cars, ANGEL and CHANCE!

Then after talking with quite a few guys and THANKS to ONE in particular, Karl (JOKERSMOKESEM) on LX Forums gave me the TIP I needed to get my Strut Tower Brace installed. I could NOT believe this would work, but jacking up the car on both sides right behind the wheels at the jack points, so both wheels were off the ground it appeared that it still wasn't gonna fit when I sat the brace over the bolts, HOWEVER, when I took the nuts off and put ONE side on and then just tugged a tiny bit it dropped on. Cool and MAN 'O' MAN, I love the LOOK!

Thanks Karl (JOKERSMOKESEM) for all the PM's!!!

A few pictures from today.... First, MY Car BLUE)





Then the BT Catch Can on Tee's car ANGEL...



And lastly, the BT Catch Can on Tee's everyday driver CHANCE...



Storm Rider
12-08-2011, 06:24 PM
great job Brother. Everything looks clean and great. Nice look on the strut tower.

12-08-2011, 10:36 PM

12-08-2011, 11:28 PM

12-09-2011, 12:14 PM
Thanks EVERYONE and YES, this is all a lot of FUN for me. I wished the pictures didn't wash out the color as much as they did as the strut brace and wires are MUCH brighter than the pictures show.

When I let the car down, I noticed it sat higher than normal which is normal from what I understand and know it will settle after some driving. We took it for a spin across town and back and could hear it settling... a bit of clunking and creaking. It seems that the steering wheel is tighter. I took a corner that I usually drive about 10 miles faster than normal and I did notice a difference.... But I'm more of a cruiser than an Hot Rodder! Don't get me wrong though, I give the old boys a work out now and then. I'm the type of person that loves "JACKRABBIT" take offs.... spinning... yeah some ~ LOL~

When I got back home I rechecked the tightness of the nuts on the Strut Brace and tightened a hair more.

Thanks for the comments about Ole BLUE, I may just take 'er to a show sometime. Competition around here is really rough... a TON of really nice cars usually show up. But the FUN and fellowship is a BLAST! Not so much a trophy hound but honestly enjoy a comment or two on my rides!

OH.... and since cleaning the throttle body and adding the catch can; it seems more peppy to me. Next fillup I'll add some more fuel injector cleaner too!

Storm Rider
12-09-2011, 03:45 PM
You are a car's best friend. The way you love cars shows.

12-09-2011, 05:20 PM
Not too bad of a day out and I used Quick Detailer to clean Tee's car ANGEL and my car LUCKY. Tee asked to borrow my custom magnum car cover for her car so we put that on there today after the detail.

12-11-2011, 04:02 PM
Now that I have driven BLUE for a few days this is what I found out...

First after I had jacked the car up to install the strut tower brace and then let it down and took it for a ride... as expected I had some clunking noise and creaking, apparently from the springs etc settling. Today when I drove it I did not hear the same noises. Seemed to have settled back in. It also seems to me the steering wheel is a little tighter. And man is BLUE ever running good. Did a mini burn out for the first time with the new Challenger SRT wheels and Goodyear RSAs. Kind of a slight sideways take off. I'd say all in all happy with the strut tower brace.

Was a bit disappointed though when I opened the hood and realized the hood pad does NOT stay tight to the hood and just barely touches the strut brace, just enough to rub a slight bit of paint off. Dang it... I changed around some of the push pins to see if that might help but really doesn't. YOU can barely tell it hangs down and doesn't really look like it, but apparently it touches a hair.
(Back to the drawing board to see what I can figure out.)

12-11-2011, 05:06 PM
so when you gonna throw in a rear bar?

12-11-2011, 05:57 PM
I always have way TOO MUCH STUFF in the hatch area; my speaker box, etc. etc. so no plans on going that route and I doubt I'd every find one as cheap as the front bar was. I like it for looks as much as anything else. Just looks cool ~LOL~

12-11-2011, 07:40 PM
idk how much cheap is for those cars but mine were 5$ each
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/223579_10150581651000335_558740334_18589783_528107 0_n.jpg

except the brackets for them are 85 front and rear