View Full Version : To all our northern SEM members in the path of Hurricane Irene

08-25-2011, 07:08 PM
Please play it safe and if you are in an evacuation area, evacuate...We hope you remain safe throughout the storm.

We are thinking about all of yall down here...

08-25-2011, 07:51 PM
Adam's right - don't mess around with this! Look at what Katrina did. Don't drive through any puddles, regardless of how deep they look. Take extreme caution with downed trees, because you never know if a power line is wrapped up in there.

Be safe everyone!

08-25-2011, 07:53 PM
ABSOLUTELY!! Good Post!!

Us down here in the Hurricane Capital of the world are pretty familiar with them, but to those of you who are not, PLEASE DONT WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS IN ALL OF YOUR VEHICLES!

Hurricane Kit

Flashlights and extra bulbs
Battery-operated radio
Fully charged battery-operated lanterns.
Extra batteries
Clock (wind-up or battery-operated)
Plastic garbage bags
Working fire extinguishers
Clean change of clothes, rain gear, sturdy swamp boots
An inexpensive rabbit-ears television antenna to use if cable goes out

House Checklist

Gather supplies early
Store loose outdoor items
Anchor small sheds
Trim dead branches from trees and shrubs
Put chorine in pool - protect filter motor
Tape or board up windows
Fill gas tank of cars - park in safe place
Remove valuables (furniture and rugs) from the floor
Move furniture away from window - cover with plastic
Put important documents in waterproof container
Get extra cash (ATMs may lose power)
Keep tuned to Bay News 9 for the latest information

Food and Water

Bottled water. Figure on a gallon of drinking water per person per day.
Shelf-package juice and milk boxes
Canned and powdered milk
Beverages (powdered or canned, fruit juices, instant coffee, tea)
Prepared foods (canned soups, beef, spaghetti, tuna, chicken, ham, corned beef hash, fruit cocktail, packaged pudding)
Canned vegetables and fruits
Dried fruits
Snacks (crackers, cookies, hard candy, nuts)
Snack spreads (peanut butter, cheese spreads, jelly)
Raw vegetables
Sugar, salt, pepper
Dry and canned pet food
Right now, buy all the nonperishable foods you will need, put them in a box and leave them alone, except to rotate stock. Stock up on ice and pack coolers as early as possible. Freezing them ahead of time is less hassle than fighting for them at a store.
Before the storm, turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting and drape blankets over them, but keep bottom vents clear. Then move perishables you'll use first into ice chests to limit opening of refrigerators.
Designate one cooler you will open regularly; fill that with drinks and less perishable items. Set aside other coolers for more perishable things such as meats and open them only rarely.
Crank up your ice maker, break out the ice cube trays or fill jugs with water, so you can be making and storing ice in your freezer or coolers around the clock.
Store cubes or small blocks of ice in sealed bags and containers so you can drink it after it melts.
Clean your bathtub out, then wash it with bleach. Rinse thoroughly. If possible, line it with plastic. Then fill it and as many clean bottles as you can with drinking water. Fill your toilet tank; you'll want it to flush after the storm.


Hand tools - hammer, screwdrivers to use now, shovel and pickax for after the storm
4x8-foot sheets of plywood 5/8-inch to 1/2-inch thick to put over windows. Ask for exterior plywood.
1/4 machine screw sockets and screws
Plastic sheeting to cover furniture
Sturdy working gloves
Duct tape to waterproof items; masking tape isn't strong enough.
Canvas tarps
Nails. There are many kinds, so look over your home now and determine what you will need.

Medical Needs

Medic-alert tags
Insect-repellent sprays and candles
Feminine hygiene items
First-aid kit and first-aid handbook
A supply of any prescription drugs
Extra over-the-counter medicine (for colds, allergies, cough)
Children's medicines
Adhesive tape
Cotton-tipped swabs
Antiseptic solution
Sterile rolls, bandages
Ear drops

Baby Needs

Disposable diapers, wipes
Formula, baby food
Diaper rash ointment, petroleum jelly
Baby medicines (pain, cold, cough)
Medicine dropper

Kitchen Supplies

Plastic to line bathtub to fill with water
Jugs or containers to store water
Water purification tablets (usually available only in drug stores), 2 percent tincture of iodine or ordinary household bleach, which contains hypochlorite as its only active ingredient - not bleach with soap, lemon or other additives.
Manual can opener
Bottle opener
Pocketknife - preferably Swiss Army style
Camp stove or other cooking device and plenty of fuel. Use canned fuel, not charcoal or gas
Disposable dishes
Ice chests or coolers
Paper plates, napkins, cutlery, cups
If you have special dietary needs, be sure to have these items handy

08-25-2011, 07:56 PM
To all our East Coast/NE SEM family, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.

Be safe.

Storm Rider
08-25-2011, 08:00 PM
The weather guys are calling for the storm to follow the I-95 corridor and east to the coast. Here in central NC they are only calling for a 20% chance of rain. I hope it keeps tracking out into the ocean. All those on the coast - you are in our prayers & thoughts.

08-25-2011, 08:05 PM
If it follows the projected path, it's headed right for where all my family is up in NY. My only hope if it does head that way, it takes out the cast of "Jersey Shore"

AWE Daniel
08-25-2011, 08:38 PM
My only hope if it does head that way, it takes out the cast of "Jersey Shore"


08-25-2011, 09:13 PM
Thoughts and prayers are with you all, be safe

08-25-2011, 10:16 PM
Tee and I have friends near the coast and are prepared to have them come over and stay with US for the weekend, depending on conditions there!

08-25-2011, 10:20 PM
Us down here in the Hurricane Capital of the world are pretty familiar with them,

Actually, the Hurricane Capital of the World is Grand Cayman.

08-25-2011, 10:47 PM
im right in the path. they have already called a state of emergency for delaware and mandatory evac of all visitors and mand. evac in oceancity maryland witch is like 30 min from me.

Storm Rider
08-26-2011, 07:28 AM
Stay safe and if they call for an evac, please do. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

08-26-2011, 07:50 AM
We are all concerned with what can happen on the coast, my daughter's family and friends should arrive either tonight or early in the morning. Maybe I should have asked how many, but actually I don't care as long they all get out.